Saturday, April 14, 2012
Change. Change is the only thing that succeeds. Some fear it. Some don't want to think about it. Some go with its inevitability and creatively make it work for them. That's us - and that's what Pilates is all about -- changing bodies and minds. And breathing deeply as we change......
Seasons come and go and with them, changes in the colors, feelings, and activities that belong to a particular season. For me, this season also comes with a renewed appreciation for the gifts I've been given -- including the opportunity to share my love of Pilates with a wonderful "family" of clients, and of caring, loyal teachers and apprentices. You are all so important to me!
I'm excited about the changes we're making in both our Spring schedule and the ease with which you will be able to diversify your Pilates training with our new program packages and memberships. I hope you will agree.
Thank you for choosing us to be your partner as you endeavor to change....... and reach your health and fitness goals. As we teach you, we learn from you -- and we all change for the better together.
"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress." ~ Bruce Barton
Joy George-Bryden
Joe's Place-True Pilates
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Top 5 Pilates Myths
Myth 1: Pilates is a Derivative of Yoga
Ah, this one is causing a gnashing of teeth for both Pilates and yoga practitioners, especially teachers who have students come in thinking that yoga and Pilates are interchangeable. Pilates is not a derivative of yoga, although Joseph Pilates did study yoga, along with many other fitness and body/mind disciplines. While Pilates and yoga are very complementary practices, they are also very different.
Myth 2: Pilates is Just a Quick Fix for Flabby Abs
Well, the truth in this one is that Pilates is a fix for flabby abs. Pilates is well known for flattening tummys. The reason that Pilates does focus on working from the core, especially the deeper abdominal muscles, is that toning the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles provides stability and freedom of motion throughout the body. This is one of the reasons that Pilates has been so successful for people who have back pain.
However, Pilates does not stop at abdominal work at all. Structural integration, and learning to create a flexible, strong body that can move freely and efficiently are important goals of Pilates fitness. To this end, Pilates works all body parts in a very balanced way, not just the abs.
The Pilates method is also a practice of mind/body fitness. Developing a body that works as a harmonious whole requires much more than a calisthenic or spot reduction approach to fitness. The Pilates principles ~ control, centering, breath, flow and precision all support an integrative mind/body experience through Pilates exercise.
Myth 3: Pilates is Easy & for Wimps
Hold it while I count to 10, do my breathing exercises and visualize peace! I've been hearing this easy Pilates rumor around lately and it just about sends me into orbit.
I think the idea that Pilates is easy comes from a few places. First, Pilates is very adaptable. It can be easy, or very hard, depending on the needs of the individual. The ability to modify exercises for different populations is actually one of the greatest strengths of Pilates. Second, the soaring popularity of Pilates has meant that there are many beginner Pilates classes in practically every gym and studio around the country. This is a good thing, but it also means that people are not necessarily exposed to the intermediate and advanced levels of Pilates. Third, Pilates exercises are often done slowly. There is an emphasis on awareness and control that can make an exercise look easy to a casual observer.
I can think of other reasons that Pilates might seem to be easy. It is a popular form of exercise for pregnant women, it is used in rehabilitation, and people of all ages and sizes can do Pilates. Nevertheless, I assure you that the Pilates method presents ongoing challenges for even the fittest athletes (with whom Pilates is also very popular).
Myth 4: Pilates is Mostly for Women
Pilates has never been "just for women" and its benefits are certainly not gender biased. After all, Pilates was developed by a man, Joseph Pilates, who is said to have been a rather macho man at that. Joe was a gymnast, a boxer, and a military trainer in his early years, and pictures of Pilates even into his 80's, reveal a very strong, fit physique. Men have always played an important role in maintaining the Pilates work and shaping its evolution. Teachers like Ron Fletcher, who studied directly with Joseph Pilates, and Rael Isakowitz are among the most visible today.
It is true that Pilates is very popular with women, but there is nothing about Pilates that makes it more for women than men. The adaptability of the Pilates method to different levels of fitness and body types has made Pilates an accessible and effective fitness choice for women. Also, Pilates has attracted a large number of dancers, especially women, and many of them have chosen Pilates as a next career. More women teachers has made Pilates more attractive to women students. Both of these factors may have contributed to a somewhat feminized perception of Pilates. Fortunately, now that the Pilates method is becoming so well accepted in fitness, more men are showing up in studios and training programs.
Myth 5: Anyone can Teach Pilates with a Little Book & DVD Study, or a Short Workshop
There is an unfortunate truth in this. Pilates instruction is not regulated at the moment and anyone who wants to can claim to be teaching Pilates. But that's as far as it goes. Pilates is a sophisticated method of exercise and a qualified instructor will have had a lot of education and apprentice experience.
The certification to teach Pilates mat exercises is often just a weekend course, but this should be preceded by extensive time spent as a student. Full Pilates certification is much more extensive, requiring the study of anatomy, special populations, teaching skills, and all of the Pilates equipment and mat exercises. Most Pilates instructors have good training, but since the industry is not regulated it is up to the consumer to ask questions and be a discerning student, and the responsibility of prospective instructors to be sure that they have adequate education before teaching a class.
Courtesy of
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Our New Location is Open!!

We've been working tirelessly these past two weeks to get it done and do it right. And we're ready to great you in our beautiful new Dennis studio!
Our full schedule is up and running again - TRX, Pilates Sculpt and BeyondBarre classes are back. And we have some surprises in store for you in the weeks and months to come.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
We're Flexible!!
So with our very flexible bodies and minds we have endured the unconscionable behavior of our landlord at Cape Cod Health & Fitness as we attempted to honorably and graciously end our eleven year tenancy - but enough is enough. We've moved out!!
Our bright, new location in Dennis will open on August 15th, and as our new space is being painted, poilished and prepared, we will be continuing our sessions and most of our classes at our Harwich location.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold our TRX, Pilates Sculpt and BeyondBarre classes until we make the move.
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that those of you who can, will work out with us in our Harwich studio, and all of you will be back on board when we open up in Dennis again on the 15th.

Our new address is 860 Route 134, Unit 7, South Dennis, MA (that's just 1.5 miles from our previous location!)
In addition to continuing our Pilates and massage services, our new location will allow us to expand our Pilates mat, BeyondBarre and TRX schedule, as well as add a variety of group exercise classes, fitness services, nutritional counseling and wellness coaching!
Our Grand Opening Celebration will be combined with our Pilates for the Playhouse week!!!
Once our move is complete, we'll be having a celebration - and you're invited!! Fun, food, fitness and friends will abound, and we hope you'll join us!
We're going to have our annual Pilates for the Playhouse event join in for double the excitement!! There will be wonderful silent auction items from local merchants, raffles for Pilates and massage, complimentary classes and services and much more!!
Join us during the week of August 22 through August 26 to bid on our silent auction, purchase raffle tickets - and to see our new digs!! And all day Saturday, August 27th we will be having an open house and announcing all the winners!
Support the Cape Playhouse, visit our new studio - eat, drink and be merry!
Whew! What a week! You won't want to miss it!!
We'd love to hear your feedback!! Feel free to email us at mailto:Joe, or visit our website at for more information.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
We're Moving!!
This has been a big year for Joe's Place-True Pilates! After growing steadily over the past 11 years in Dennis, we've added a successful Authentic Pilates Teacher Training program, brought TRX and BeyondBarre classes to our studio, been featured in a CHA Magazine article, voted Best Pilates Studio on Cape Cod and recently added a second location in Harwich!
Yup, we sure have grown!! And now... we've outgrown our current location!
Joe's Place-True Pilates is moving to a beautiful, new location in August!
Our new address will be 860 Route 134, South Dennis, MA (that's just 1.5 miles from our current location!).
In addition to continuing our current Pilates & massage services, our new location will allow us to expand our Pilates mat schedule, as well as add a variety of Group Exercise classes, fitness services, nutritional counseling and wellness coaching!!
We know that change can be tough for some people - but we don't intend to skip a beat as we make this exciting move!! We've got plans in place, and plenty of people involved to help us make this a smooth, easy change for our clients!
As our new space is being painted, polished and prepared - we will be continuing business as usual at our current location. And the down time to move our equipment will be whittled to one day. We'll be keeping everyone informed of the details as that day approaches!
Plans for our Grand Opening are in the Works!! (Date TBA!!)
Once our move is complete, we'll be having a celebration - and you're invited!! Fun, food, fitness and friends will abound, and we hope you'll enjoy us for this exciting event!! (We'll be sure to let you know when so you can save the date!)
Questions? Concerns?
Don't be misinformed! For more details and answers to any questions you may have, please feel free to contact Joy at 508-385-8882 or via email at
Friday, June 10, 2011
BeyondBarre Offered at Joe's Place-True Pilates

- Body Sculpting
- Fat Burning
- Muscle Lengthening
- Glide Board for Incredible Results
- Barre to Sculpt the Thighs & Lift the Seat
- Light Weights to Tone the Arms
- Ab Work to Narrow the Waist
- BeyondBarre Glide Board for Fun Cardio
BeyondBarre kicks up the typical barre exercise program several notches with its one of a kind cardio series. The result? A true body sculpting, fat burning workout unlike any other. Each 55 minute session consists of:
- Ballet Inspired Barre Leg Work to Build Long, Lean Legs
- Free Weights for Upper Body Sculpting
- A Stomach Flattening Abdominal Series
- Pattent Pending BeyondBarre Glide Board
Each exercise is thoughtfully and purposefully placed in the class exercise order to maximize the ability to burn fat, sculpt the body and build long, lean muscles. The teachers took ballet barre leg sculpting exercises and amplified them. The program is designed to strengthen the muscles by working to fatigue then stretch to lengthen and sculpt. By adding the BeyondBarre glide board cardio, along with balls, bands and funky music mixes, you slim down while having fun.
Visit our website at to view our class schedule and sign up online.